Champion of Cycle Diaries

Chapter IV

Our Champion is a King now!

It has been almost a decade since he took up cycling passionately. One thing led to another – one bike was replaced by another. But from that time he has always had this one dream, one which he awaited and desired like no other. He always wanted to ride a professional road bike. A thorough-bred racer bike. It has been a long time since he started having those dreams and today he is content. His dream is fulfilled and he rides among the elite now.

A proud owner of a Fomas Road King Delux – our champion has a new addition in his stable.

A fraction the weight of its predecessor, this road bike is a gorgeous sporty combination of white-black and red. It flies – literally! Putting in the same effort that the old critter would take up, our champion can now cruise at speeds almost 10-15kmph faster! You can only imagine what thrills he must get from this!

This machine didn’t come easy. It took several years of persuasive riding to convince the loved ones concerned to let our hero move to the next level. Riding many a mile and many an hour, he had simply one target. To reach the point when he could start flying that many a mile and many an hour. Patience is a virtue after all. And God (financially supportive parents) does help those who help themselves. Now we know where all those proverbial anecdotes got their wisdom from.

So from now, our rider lives a newer life. A tinge of luxury has touched his passion. I hope my readers look forward to different and maybe more exciting stories of this enthused rider.


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